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Eat an early dinner. Finish off your meal at least three hours before you hit the sack.

At what time do you have your dinner? Research suggests that you should have finished your dinner at least three hours before going to bed. So if you start your dinner at nine and are in bed at eleven, you're not doing it right.

Needless to say, for most of us it is more practical to change the time we have our dinner than it is to change our bedtime. Don't do it gradually. The most important thing is to make up your mind, make a plan, and stick to it. And what should your plan be Simply to keep a cut-off time after which you will not eat anything.

How many of you return home from office at around 7:00, then eat a snack, and have dinner at around 9:30 or so And then, before long, you go to bed. The result All that food, just sitting in your stomach. Not very healthy, to say the least. Instead, skip the snack and have your dinner as soon as you return from office. Not only does is this good for you because it reduces the chances of you having junk, snacky food, but eating an early dinner also helps you lose weight.

What does having an early dinner have to do with losing weight

Eating an early dinner has a positive effect on our metabolism. Perhaps because we eat early and walk around for at least three hours before going to bed, our food gets digested instead of getting deposited in fat cells.

When we say 'early dinner', we do not mean that you give in to a craving a couple of hours later and start snacking! The rule is, after you are done with dinner, brush your teeth, and don't eat anything else. Not a single biscuit, wafer or peanut! Nothing! Hey, no one said losing weight was easy.

Needless to say, if you gulp down five parathas loaded with ghee and a bucket of ice cream with every meal, you're not going to get anywhere in your weight loss plan.

Eat sensibly, and be aware of what you are putting in your mouth. Just being generally cautious, not eating fried foods, not eating foods dipped in ghee, and avoiding sweets will help in your weight loss.

Even eating the same food you eat on a normal basis, just eating it earlier, will help you lose weight.

The problem is, when we dine early, we tend to feel hungry a few hours later, and if we are still up, we will be very tempted to snack. The best thing to do alternative would be to drink a glass of water. This will trick your stomach into feeling full.

Remember, you are not depriving your body of food. What you are doing is setting a pattern for a healthier body which is really the best way to approach any weight loss program.

Simply eating food a few hours earlier will help you lose some weight, but to lose a healthy, substantial amount if you are looking to lose weight is not so easy. Find out what next you can do tomorrow, in our five-point plan to lose weight.

 Why are u still late to grab it


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