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Showing posts with the label How To Prevent Dry Skin In Winter Season

How to Shampoo-Free Your Hair

Shampoo is made to cleanse your locks of leftover hairsprays, gels, and other unwanted residue that builds up on your scalp and hair shafts. It’s been used for hundreds of years for this purpose, and has become an essential part of men, women, and children’s bathing routines. This being said, most people don’t think that they can do without using shampoo to clean their hair. Unfortunately, shampoos that are frequently used in this day and age are causing more harm than good to both your scalp and hair strands. The reason why is because of the ingredients used to concoct the many different shampoos on the market. Fortunately, you can cleanse your hair without the use of shampoos or dry shampoos, and still have healthy hair. Why You Don’t Need a Shampoo The natural oil that your scalp produces is very important since it keeps you hair hydrated. And herein lies the first problem with shampoo because it’s hard to find a product that doesn’t strip your locks of all this natural oil. S...

Wearing Jewellery- Look Younger

Jewellery can make us look younger, older, married, unmarried, classy or frumpy, so pick your pieces with care. Jewellery lasts a lifetime, and so one should not buy it on impulse. Many of us have some jewellery lying around at home, that we don't much care for and hardly ever wear. So instead of buying new jewellery, the next time around consider melting your gold to make something different. You can make something completely trendy and very wearable. Isn't it better that you convert the gold into something new, rather than leave it hanging around in the locker. Also, avoid the urge to buy numerous trinkets. Many of us spend far too much money on little things like tiny rings or little pendants. Instead of wearing a little ring on each finger, it makes more sense to invest that money in a single, bigger ring. Rings on each finger suit teenagers more than someone in their late twenties or thirties. For your daughter Opt for silver jewellery for your teenage daughter. ...

A Clean Breast

Are your breasts too big Or too small Here are some simple tips to sort out all your cleavage issues. Are your breasts too big Or too small Whatever your peeve, there is a solution, and no it doesn't involve surgery or exercise or anything else that seems to be too much of a chore. Wearing the right clothes can make a world of difference to your figure, so the next time you go shopping, keep these pointers in mind so you know what to look for. Big Breasts Don't wear turtle-necked or round-necked (high) tops. They tend to widen the gap between your neck and breasts, so it looks as though your breasts are low and large. Tight turtle-neck sweaters do the same. Instead, opt for tops with V-necks or with low round necks. These tops make your breasts look a little smaller. Stay away from shirts or tops with pockets on the chest. They will enhance your breasts, making them look bigger. Go in for sports bras. They tend to flatten breasts and also reduce the bounce, so if yo...

Home remedies for pimples for Pimples and Acne

what is a pimple and what causes pimples? what are pimples actually - Pimples are small spots that are inflamed and are often filled with pus. Pimples are caused by many factors including imp roper hygiene, hormonal imbalance, oily make up and a poor diet. Because they leave aesthetically unpleasant scars on their faces, most people try to get rid of pimples. They may occur on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. There are several known ways on how to remove pimples including the use of medicine, natural remedies and observing proper hygiene. These are very easy but effective Home remedies for pimples Take an Half Onion Grate the Onion Take Juice of It.Apply it on the affected Area for 15 mins.Rinse thoroughly.Try this remedy for few days. It worksss Neem powder and neem oil do magic on pimple treatments. Apply this daily and leave it for 20 minutes Pimples have been known to positively react to the addition of niacin (100 mg; three times per day) Add vitamin A to a...

Facial Hair Removal Natural Remedies

Home Remedy for Facial hair Removal I Take Half Cup of Basin Half cup milk 1 teaspoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon fresh cream mix it well scrub it on the face for 2 minutes apply a thick layer on the face leave it for 20 minutes wash properly after that Home Remedy for Facial hair Removal II soak half bowl of lentils overnite in water crush it and make it a paste Take a bowl of peeled and crushed potatoes Extract its juice 4 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp honey mix it well apply it on face Permanent Facial Hair Remover Solutions 1. Laser Hair Removal – This procedure is the best way to remove facial hair if you want to get rid of facial hair permanently. The laser technology offers pain-free and non-invasive hair removal solution. You just have to save around 6000 for it since it is totally expensive as it is done professionally.This can be used for facial hair removal for men. 2. Electrolysis Hair Removal – Yet another promising hair removal method is the electrolysis hair removal tha...

How To Prevent Dry Skin In Winter Season

How To Prevent Dry Skin In Winter Season Firstly you must take proper conscious care concerning the diet plans. Always intake such foods those arehealthy such as eggs, onion and garlic.  All such have been filled with sulphur, proteins and vitamin. In addition, drink maximum 3 glasses of water daily. Next we have the nourishment of the skin. * During the winter the cold environment is all the time in the search of attacking the fresh skin cells. For that reason keep your skin fresh and moisturized with the face mask and apply the paste of rose water, almond and olive oil. And never forget to apply the cream for saving the skin cells while going outside. * Last we have the home made plans for the skin refreshment such as the mixture of brown sugar, flax seed and milk and create their thick paste. Apply the paste on the skin and you will certainly feel that you have discovered a new flavor in your face. * In addition, you can even make the paste of almonds and o...