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Stretch marks are the result of sudden body changes such as puberty, pregnancy or weight gain or loss where the skin stretches out to accommodate the body changes. The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Stretch marks, also known as Striae Gravidarum are scars that develop mainly around the arms, breasts, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. They are pink, purple or red when newly formed and turn silver or white over time. Stretch marks develop in the dermis i.e. the middle layer of the skin.

Rapid or sudden weight gain is said to be the main cause of formation of stretch marks. Therefore, stretch marks are primarily the bane of pregnant women. 75 to 90% women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The main cause of stretch marks is excessive production of the hormone, cortisone, during pregnancy. Collagen, a protein, helps keep the skin supple. Cortisone decreases the level of collagen present in the skin leading to development of stretch marks. A woman's stomach stretches greatly to accommodate her growing baby. Her breasts grow as well, thus leading women to develop stretch marks on these areas.

Stretch marks are also characteristic in the case of pubescent girls who begin to develop breasts and pubescent boys who begin to develop muscles. Stretch marks can also occur when people begin to lose weight or workout to tone their body. Stretch Marks are hereditary as well. So, if anyone in your family has stretch marks, you are bound to get them too.

The best way to combat stretch marks is to prevent their formation.

Body Lotion

Stretch marks generally appear on areas where skin is dry. Apply body lotion all over, not just on your arms. If you are pregnant, do not forget your tummy and breasts - they need lotion the most. Do not wait until you are pregnant or until you start planning a baby before applying lotion. Start today. Do this every morning, after a shower. Your pores are still open, they are clean, and will be able to absorb the moisturiser well.

Malai or Milk Fat

You could also try something more natural, and apply 'malai' (milk fat) to your body every day. You could do this after applying soap. Kavitha has been applying malai and haldi instead of soap for years now. And when she delivered, she did not have a single stretch mark! She is now 48-years-old, and her skin glows to this day. For those of us who cannot conceive of taking a shower without soap, using a moisturizing soap is a good idea. (If you have very oily skin and pimples on your back, skip applying moisturizer on your back, and when taking a shower, make sure you scrub your back well with a loofah.)

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also believed to help prevent stretch marks. Invest in a cream which has Vitamin E, or apply pure Vitamin E oil to your stomach and breasts every day. You could do this from the time you find out you are pregnant.

Massage and Skin Exfoliation

Regularly exfoliate your skin either with a dry brush, pumice stone or exfoliating body wash in order to improve blood circulation and keep your skin healthy. This will not only reduce appearance of existing stretch marks but also act as a deterrent in formation of new stretch marks. Regular oil body massages help keep your skin nourished and supple. Coconut oil is a good bet as it gets absorbed fairly easily. Start with body oil massages before pregnancy, and speak to your doctor about continuing them during pregnancy. You could gently massage your tummy with oil yourself.

Diet and Water Intake

Water hydrates the skin from within by helping the skin cells stay plump, moisturised and healthy, and if you have been drinking enough water every day, chances are that you have well nourished, supple skin, which will be able to bear the impact of sudden body changes without developing marks. If you have a poor diet, your skin is more likely to be unhealthy. Diets deficient in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A or Omega 3s can lead to your skin lacking elasticity which will cause development of stretch marks.

Weight Gain

It is easy to gain weight during pregnancy since pregnant women feel hungry all the time and are often tempted and encouraged to indulge. In addition, indulgence during pregnancy tends to be guilt-free, so women tend to give in to their cravings. Whatever the reason, if you do gain more weight than you should, you are certain to develop stretch marks. The best thing for you to do is to weigh yourself regularly, and aim to gain weight in a systematic manner, as suggested by your gynecologist.

   However, since some factors that cause stretch marks are out of our hands, some stretch marks are bound to appear. If treated immediately upon formation, you can reduce and in some cases completely remove the appearance of stretch marks. You can treat stretch marks as soon as they appear by use of medicated remedies containing glycolic acid or retinoids. You can even try home remedies such as lemon juice, virgin coconut oil or malai if you wish to go the organic route. If stretch marks are not treated as soon as they appear, it becomes much more difficult to treat them without use of surgical options.


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