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Men Face Care

Men Face Care

Following are best Men Face Care Simple Tips to take care of men’s stubborn and stubbly epidermis.

(i) Men’s face skin is less sensitive than women’s face skin;

(ii) Men’s facial skin is thicker than women’s facial skin;

(iii) Men don’t wear makeup.

(iv) Men shave their beards. The beard and razor bumps can irritate their skin, can cause irritation and problems different from those that the women have.

1. Exfoliate for Men Face Care (Optional):

Exfoliating your facial skin twice or thrice a week is a good idea. The face cleansers just wash of oil and dirt from your facial surface. They do not work below the surface to remove all the nasty stuff deep down in your pores. A facial scrub can remove debris and dead skin that a normal washing fails to do.

A scrub that has granules works better to help smooth skin and get rid of dirt, oil, and dead skin from below the surface.

Exfoliation softens hair follicles and helps when shaving too for a closer shave with less of cuts and irritation.

Exfoliation eliminates dullness and leaves your facial skin brighter and healthier.

2. Cleanse for Men Face Care:

Men’s skin usually has large pores and active sebum producing glands. Excess oil production can clog men’s facial pores and cause acne problems. So cleansing is the foremost tip Men Face Care regime.

To cleanse, I have seen men prefer bars to liquid cleansers. It is fine in case you have oily skin. But many times bar soap results into drying out of your skin. If such is a case with you then go for the moisturizing soaps with emollients like glycerin.

You can also find the ones made with vitamin E oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. And if your skin feels tight or itchy after washing your face, it is advised that you switch over to liquid cleansers. A basic gel also works fine.

If you are prone to acne breakouts, go for soaps or liquid cleansers containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid or benzyl peroxide that suits you. All these three have antibacterial properties, work as exfoliating agents as well and get rid of the upper layers of dead skin resulting into deeper cleansing of your facial pores.

3. Shaving for Men Face Care: Shave in the direction in which your beard hairs grow, not against the grain. The razor you use is more important than the shaving creams you use. If you are suffering from nicks, razor burns or bumps, change your razor.

Electric razor is less irritating than blades. But most men prefer to use blades. In case you have trouble with razor burns or razor bumps, don’t go for a close shave. Also try a shaving cream with aloe. If your beard is hard, try leaving lather on your face for a minute before you shave to soften beard hairs. In case this does not work out, use pre-shaving oil. Apply it few minutes before shaving, it will moisturize your skin and soften beard hairs.

After shaving rinse your face off left overs of shaving cream and pat dry your face.

Apply after shave lotion to soothe facial skin and then apply a moisturizer. Consider applying aftershave lotions that contain astringents to tighten your facial skin and narrow your pores, leading to firmer skin.

4. Moisturize for Men Face Care: Most of the men just wash their faces with soap bar or liquid face cleanser. This is just not enough, as the exfoliating, washing and shaving play tough on your facial skin. Moreover during each shower, you loss natural oils and over a period of time your facial skin tends to get dry, lose its elasticity and with it the aging process starts at an early age.

Add to this the dread of placing a sharp blade onto your face every day and you have a perfect recipe for dried out and strained facial skin. To counteract all this, your face needs a good light moisturizer formulated for face to compensate for loss of natural oils and replenish skin’s moisture content and averts razor burns.

Some soaps contain moisturizer and they work fine for some men. Better is to apply a moisturizer to moisten your skin after washing it.

(i) For dry skin, go for a thicker cream based moisturizer;

(ii) For normal skin, look out for a lotion which is less oily and lighter; and

(iii) For oily skin, reach for a skin toner or gel.

For those who are prone to having acne, I recommend moisturizers with glycolic acid or salicylic acid which will work to get rid of dead skin and keep your pores from clogging.

5. Sunscreen Protection for Men Face Care:  We recommend an everyday moisturizer with SPF-30. It will protect you from facial wrinkles and other long tern damages like deep lines and skin cancer. Consider using a moisturizer with multi-spectrum defenses.

6. Cleanliness for Men Face Care: Make it a habit to rinse your hands and face every time you return from outside and avoid touching your face with your hands.


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