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Exfolation of the Body- Sunbath

The first and foremost thing that you need to do after a sun bath or after you are out of the pool is, exfoliating the body. This is because as soon as you dip in the pool, the chlorine in the water will lighten your impressive tone and makes it darker. 

So as soon as you are out of the pool go to shower and gently exfoliate your body with a body scrub. It will help buff away the over saturated color of your body. You can also boost its result by applying coconut or almond oil to your skin 10 minutes before you take shower. Oil pats the skin and makes it more flexible for exfoliation.

Remove Streaks

Streaks or spots are as a result of not using the correct formula of self-tanner. To slough away those streaks or spots go to shower and exfoliate with a scrub that contains fine beads. These beads will not strip or tear of the skin, but will help you to get the even color for your skin. Try for oatmeal formula opposed to a sugar scrub. After using it and once the skin is dry, apply a liquid bronzer. You can also dilute it with body lotion if the liquid bronzer is too dark. This helps cover and blend the streaks in the skin.

Baking Soda for Darker Hands

If your hands color don’t match the body color, then try out a DIY baking soda lightener. Make this recipe like this. Take a teaspoon of baking soda with 2 spoons of lemon juice and ½ teaspoon of water. Mix them well until it forms a perfect paste. Now, rub the paste on your skin for at least 3 to 5 minutes and then remove it off with a warm cloth. You can repeat the process if needed. If your hands look too light, you can again apply self-tanner and use regular body lotion on the wrist. This helps to fade the unwanted darker skin of your hands.

Self-tanning Spray for Back

As you can’t reach the back, look for some self-tanning spray which contains 360 degrees nozzle applicator so that you can move it upside down. There are several kinds of those self-tanning applicators available in the market. So, choose the perfect one that makes your work easy. You can target hard to reach areas by attaching a self-tanner applicator to mitt to the body with a band.

Exfoliate The Tan Spots

Even after doing all this, if your skin color is not fading evenly, then lightly exfoliate for every 2 or 3 days if you are using a self-tanner. Concentrate on arms, neck and other major parts of your skin which don’t fade evenly. This will certainly fade the skin evenly, so repeat this until your skin fades out evenly.

Shaving and Scrubs for Legs and Hands

If your knees, ankles and elbows are discolored exfoliate or dab on a hair removal cream or shaving those parts. If you use hair removal cream leave it on your skin for half the amount of time recommended. But, before you use the hair removal cream do a patch test and make sure that your skin is not sensitive. Now, scrub the streaks and spots on those areas with loofah. Don’t over scrub as you will end with an unevenly tanned, red or splotchy skin.

So, as you are now aware of these tips and ways use them at the proper time and get back to the normal skin tone. 


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