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Facial Hair Removal Natural Remedies

Home Remedy for Facial hair Removal I

Take Half Cup of Basin

Half cup milk

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon fresh cream

mix it well

scrub it on the face for 2 minutes

apply a thick layer on the face

leave it for 20 minutes

wash properly after that

Home Remedy for Facial hair Removal II

soak half bowl of lentils overnite in water

crush it and make it a paste

Take a bowl of peeled and crushed potatoes

Extract its juice

4 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp honey

mix it well

apply it on face

Permanent Facial Hair Remover Solutions

1. Laser Hair Removal – This procedure is the best way to remove facial hair if you want to get rid of facial hair permanently. The laser technology offers pain-free and non-invasive hair removal solution.

You just have to save around 6000 for it since it is totally expensive as it is done professionally.This can be used for facial hair removal for men.

2. Electrolysis Hair Removal – Yet another promising hair removal method is the electrolysis hair removal that works by using electric current to damage the hair roots to prevent them from growing back again.

You just have to bear in mind that it needs 15 to 30 sessions in order for you to get rid of facial hair completely. And because it requires more sessions, it is also more expensive.

3. Oral Medications or Hair Inhibitors – If none of the methods mentioned above worked for you, then probably this option will.

There are several medications available in the market today, just be sure to seek the advice of your dermatologist first to ensure that you are taking safe and effective facial hair remover medicines that will slow down the growth of your facial hair.

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