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Home remedies for pimples for Pimples and Acne

what is a pimple and what causes pimples?

what are pimples actually - Pimples are small spots that are inflamed and are often filled with pus. Pimples are caused by many factors including improper hygiene, hormonal imbalance, oily make up and a poor diet.

Because they leave aesthetically unpleasant scars on their faces, most people try to get rid of pimples. They may occur on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. There are several known ways on how to remove pimples including the use of medicine, natural remedies and observing proper hygiene.

These are very easy but effective Home remedies for pimples

Take an Half Onion Grate the Onion Take Juice of It.Apply it on the affected Area for 15 mins.Rinse thoroughly.Try this remedy for few days. It worksss
Neem powder and neem oil do magic on pimple treatments.
Apply this daily and leave it for 20 minutes
Pimples have been known to positively react to the addition of niacin (100 mg; three times per day)

Add vitamin A to a diet.
400 mg of vitamin E taken once per day also works wonders.
You may also take 50mg of therapeutic zinc in tablet or capsule form (three times per day).

A useful paste can be created from fenugreek leaves of this vegetable, which is then applied to the face before you retire each night. At the start of the morning, the paste should be washed off using warm water. Pimples, especially blackheads are treated with this home remedy.

one teaspoon of coriander juice, combined with a pinch of turmeric powder. Every night, after thoroughly washing the face, apply the juice for an effective home remedy.Mint juice may also replace the coriander for this home treatment for pimples.

Take some cabbage leaves, Just mush ‘em up and rub them on the offending area. Leave the juice on for at least 30 minutes or more. Rinse off and finish with an astringent.

Make a mixture of cinnamon powder and honey and apply on your pimples before you go to bed in the night. Wash it with warm water when you wake up in the morning. Do this for a fortnight and watch your pimples disappear.
Take a few pieces of nutmeg, mix it with some unboiled milk and apply the paste on your acne. Wash it off after about two hours.

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